The Lloyd Voice

The Lloyd Group Celebrates 25 Years: A Letter from our CEO

Adam L. Eiseman
By Adam L. Eiseman | Jun 12, 2020 2:20:16 PM



In 1995, my wife Sarah and I founded The Lloyd Group. We also got married. Both of these families were started in our one-bedroom fifth-floor walkup on East 91st Street.

Looking back, for us, 1995 was a time of great transition. We went from being single young adults, responsible for no one but ourselves, to a husband, a wife, spouses, partners, founders, and in my case, CEO. Almost overnight, Sarah and I became accountable for two families, and we both went through rapid personal transformations.

This year marks both our 25th wedding anniversary and the 25th anniversary of Lloyd. In some ways, there is no worse period to be celebrating these anniversaries. The idea of bringing together Lloyd alumni is simply not possible in this time of physical distancing. Our nation and the entire world is reflecting on our troubled history and continued intolerance. Times are tough, for Lloydians, for our clients, for Lloyd.

Yet, at the same time, I cannot think of a better time to celebrate these anniversaries.

Martin Luther King once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". I believe the same is true of companies, communities, and families.

Lloyd was founded  to "Create Opportunities for People to Learn, Earn, and Live Better". For its founders, for our clients, and for Lloydians.

As a community, we espouse three core values: Be Human. Be Accountable. Be Better.

As a company, we make three promises to our clients: Respond & Resolve, Build Community by fostering Long-Term Relationships, and Provide Clear Strategic Direction.

Over the past few months, in the midst of a pandemic and through a powerful calling for equality, I'm proud to say that Lloydians have shown their character. They have not forgotten, but instead have embraced that which makes them Lloydians. 

They have donated to a number of organizations that are feeding the hungry, are pushing for equality, or looking for justice. They have shown up for each other, by joining our end of day cheers, by volunteering to grocery shop for those who can’t, by joining protests and asking each other, “how can I best support you?”

In 2020 we recognize 25 years as a community of clients, partners, and Lloydians. We will not get to celebrate with a grand party, we will instead celebrate, and have been celebrating with our deeds. We celebrate 25 years of Lloyd by living the purpose, values, and commitments we embrace as the Lloyd Community.

Under pressure we continue to support each other, leaving no Lloydian truly "home alone". During this unpredictable time, we find ways to accommodate Lloydians' shifting needs. As our clients focus on surviving this pandemic, we have been there for them, partnered with them, and helped them in ways none of us could have pictured just six months ago.

Sarah and I began a family 25 years ago. In the years since, a diverse set of Lloydians have joined that family and have built the community we are today.

While our visibility into the coming year may not be as clear as it once was; my confidence in Lloyd's ability to deliver on our purpose, values, and promises, has never been stronger.

Twenty-five years from now, when we celebrate our 50th anniversary, I believe we will look back on this year not for the challenges it presented us, but for the valuable lessons it taught us. How to be better human beings, to listen to each other, to care for each other, to accept each other.

I believe that like 1995 was for Sarah and I; 2020 is for all of us, a time of great personal transformation, and the opportunity to create an even stronger community.

Thank you for reading, and for being a part of our community.


Adam L. Eiseman,

Founder, President, & CEO


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